quarta-feira, 6 de julho de 2011

As 13 Dinastias - A Casa de Aldobrandini

Brasão de Clement VIII
Os Aldobrandini são uma  família nobre italiana de Florença, com estreitos laços com o Vaticano.  
Suas fortunas foram feitas quando Ippolito Aldobrandini se tornou papa sob o nome de Papa Clemente VIII. Ele arranjou o casamento que ligava os Aldobrandini com a família Romana de Pamphili, além disso, eles também uniram alianças de casamento com os Farnese (Ranuccio I, duque de Parma, havia se casado com Margherita Aldobrandini) e Borghese (desde Olimpia Aldobrandini casado Paolo Borghese)
 Lembram-se quando escrevi sobre os Coloona, os Palavicini terem contraído matrimónio com os Pampihili....recordem os outros nomes, pois iremos falar deles, apesar de no fim, eu faço a lista e mostro-vos um acontecimento recente que vocês até se passam, pois não irão querer acreditar

( Vejam bem o sinal de dedos )

A família dá também seu nome á Aldobrandini Villa on the Hill Quirinal. 
Jardins da Villa com decorações do Brasão de armas
Simbolismo por todo o lado...pois é  assim que marcam território
Inscrições, evocando os feitos de Clement VIII no Palazzo Senatorio in Campidoglio
Rocca di Spoleto perto do Ospedale di S. Spirito em Roma

Conhecem esta águia ?...hum!...e o simbolismo por detrás dela, de quem é ?
Já repararam que, todos aqueles que têm poder no mundo, se fazem representar por uma Águia no seu Brasão...será coincidência?
A família Aldobrandini, alcançou os seus poderes quando Ippolito Aldobrandini se tornou Papa Clemente VIII (1592-1605), começou a construção da villa, em 1600 Clemente VIII adquiriu o Vitelli Orti na colina Quirinal e em 1601 doou a propriedade para seu sobrinho o Cardeal Pietro Aldobrandini.  

"" He bought the Palazzo Doria Pamphilj,and spent large sums on this and other buildings such as the Villa Aldobrandini.. He was a patron of Torquato Tasso, and of Girolamo Frescobaldi.""

Cardeal...Caramba, mas não basta eles serem Papas, os Cardeais também são da familia.
estava aqui a pensar com os meus botões...será que quando elegem um papa, aquilo é motivado pela bondade do Homem ou é por quem tiver mais raposas do gang perto do galinheiro? 

Mais famoso foi o Villa Aldobrandini em Frascati. Também conhecida como Belvedere, pela sua localização encantadora com vista para todo o vale até Roma, foi reconstruída por ordem do cardeal Pietro Aldobrandini, sobrinho do Papa Clemente VIII ao longo de um edifício pré-existente construído pelo prelado do Vaticano Alessandro Rufini em 1550..Os Doria, Os Pamphilj, os Landi e a família Aldobrandini tornaram-se unidos através do casamento e descendência sob o simplificado sobrenome Doria Pamphilj que agora está extinto desde a morte da princesa Orietta Doria Pamphlij em 2000.  

O Palazzo da família Aldobrandini, suas colecções de obras de arte e mobiliário são agora, a  Doria Pamphilj Gallery em Roma.
Fachada da Galeria  Palazzo_Doria_Pamphilj 
Antinoo-Palazzo Doria Pamphilj-Roma
"" Antinous, Emperor Hadrian's lover depicted as Dionysus-Bacchus in the Palazzo Doria Pamphili.""
 Percebem o porquê de "Dionysus-Bacchus "?...Se calhar tem a ver com estes Cultos Romanos ..Mas isto sou eu a pensar... e a minha pequenina ervilha a ferver.
...vocês vejam bem esta pagina e percebam o envolvimento e o poder de controlo sobre os Jesuitas.
Mais tarde mostrar-vos ei de que família  financiou a criação dos Jesuítas...entretanto.

O nome da família vive, no entanto, através de um ramo da família Borghese, descendente do casamento de Olimpia Aldobrandini com o príncipe Paolo Borghese, no século 17.  
Esta linha é descendente de Don Camillo Borghese, o príncipe Aldobrandini (1816-1902), que por sua vez era o irmão mais novo do Príncipe Borghese, e chefe de família.
  Princesa Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini casou com a família Rothschild.
Leram bem?
Casamento daPrincess Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini com David Rothschild
Então mas os Aldobrandini não tinham acabado?
Que farsa do C####LHO.
Historian pushes for write-off of donations

18 June 2004
Paul Bompard, Rome
An Italian historian with links to Cambridge University and the London School of Economics is behind a move to make donations for research and scholarships tax deductible.

Giovanni Aldobrandini, a British history specialist has taught in Rome at the LUISS (Libera Universita degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli) and at La Sapienza, and in 1999-2001 he was a visiting fellow at St John's College, Cambridge, and then at the LSE's European Institute. In 2000, Professor Aldobrandini, the heir of an affluent Roman family, decided to personally finance a PhD at St John's.

"Having enjoyed the excellence of teaching and research at Cambridge, I wanted other Italians to have similar experiences. I spoke to the master of St John's and arranged to give £35,000 a year to support graduates from Roman universities - Jone a year for three years each."
Italian tax laws discouraged such an initiative, so Professor Aldobrandini contacted four Italian senators who agreed to promote a bill allowing individuals to write off donations for study or research abroad.
Currently, Italy allows write-offs only for companies and only for money given to Italian institutions.

Professor Aldobrandini's proposal sets donations at a maximum of 5 per cent of taxable income, with a ceiling of E250,000 (£167,000). It will finance PhD students in Italy and in selected foreign universities and support academics studying or researching abroad. It will also allow lump-sum endowments to universities.
The bill requires approval by Parliament's finance commission and by the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, which could take up to two years.

Professor Aldobrandini said: "The task now is to drum up support among ministers, party leaders and MPs to make sure the bill becomes law as soon as possible."

Com que então, esta gente não tem influência nenhuma, não era?
olhem bem como eles se mexem.
The Luisa Aldobrandini Studentship 2009


St John’s College Cambridge proposes to award a Luisa Aldobrandini Studentship to enable a student from one of the Universities of Rome to undertake postgraduate study in the University of Cambridge commencing in October 2009.  The successful applicant will be selected from those who have obtained a place at St John’s College Cambridge to read for the M Phil or PhD degree.

To be eligible for the Studentship to be awarded from October 2009, a candidate must  have obtained or obtain the Laurea from one of  Universities in Rome (Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, Università degli Studi di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’, Università degli Studi di Roma ‘Roma III’ and Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli in Roma ) between 1st October 2007 and 1st October 2009.

The Studentship will be tenable for the duration of the student’s course up to a maximum of three years and will comprise (a) a maintenance grant of at least £10,000 per annum and (b) approved College and University fees. The value of any Studentship awarded will be reduced appropriately to take account of any payment from other sources.
There is no separate application form for this Studentship. Candidates should apply to the University of Cambridge through the University’s Board of Graduate Studies for admission as a graduate student, specifying St John’s as their first choice of College.  The Graduate Application Form can be downloaded from the Board's website  www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/gradstud  However, if you would prefer to receive a paper copy of the Graduate Application Form and the Graduate Studies Prospectus please send an e-mail to graduate-admissions@joh.cam.ac.uk giving your postal address.  The papers of those who are accepted by the relevant University department will be passed on to St John’s who will then consider the candidate for a place in the College. All eligible candidates who by May 1st 2009 have been made a conditional offer by St John’s to read for the M Phil or PhD degree starting in October 2009 will be considered for the Luisa Aldobrandini Studentship.  The successful candidate will be notified by the end of June 2009.
In view of the delays that can occur as a result of sometimes lengthy selection processes in the University departments it is suggested that candidates for the Luisa Aldobrandini Studentship ensure that their Graduate Application Forms reach the Board of Graduate Studies by 31st December 2008.  Candidates whose forms are submitted after that date will be considered if their forms reach the College in time.""
Percebem como aparecem os Fundos das bolsas de estudo? Será coincidência ser uma Universidade criada por Jesuitas?

The Basilica of Saint Mary Above Minerva: Basilica Sanctae Mariae supra Minervam, Italian: Basilica di Santa Maria sopra Minerva) is a titular minor basilica and one of the most important churches of the Roman Catholic Dominican order in Rome, Italy. The church, located in the Piazza della Minerva in the Campus Martius region, is considered the only Gothic church in Rome.

" The basilica gets its name because, like many early Christian basilicas, it was built directly over (sopra) the foundations of a temple dedicated to the Egyptian goddess Isis, but erroneously ascribed to the Greco-Roman goddess Minerva. "
 In the area surrounding the basilica and the former convent buildings, there were three temples in Roman times: the Minervium, built by Gnaeus Pompey in honour of the goddess Minerva about 50 B.C., referred to as Delubrum Minervae, the Iseum dedicated to Isis, and the Serapeum dedicated to Serapis.Details of the temple to Minerva are not known but recent investigations indicate that a small round Minervium once stood a little further to east on the Piazzo of the Collegio Roman. In 1665 an Egyptian obelisk was found, buried in the garden of the Dominican cloister adjacent to the church. Several other small obelisks were found at different times near the church, known as the Obelisci Isei Campensis, which were probably brought to Rome during the first century and grouped in pairs, with others, at the entrances of the temple of Isis""

Esta é mais uma pagina para lerem e aprenderem de onde eles vêem.
Construida sobre o Templo de Isis eihn..quem diria..merdices!!

From the 17th century, the convent became the base of the Roman Inquisition or Holy Office,""

Portanto..se a casa pertencia aos Pamphili e era a sede da Inquisição...Hum!
Quem estaria por trás da inquisição? Hum!...Hummmmmm!!!!! Pequenas Merdices.

Esta é a sua assinatura.
"" In front of the church there is one of the most curious monuments of Rome, the so-called Pulcino della Minerva. It is a statue designed by the Baroque sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini (and carried out by his pupil Ercole Ferrata in 1667) of an elephant as the supporting base for the Egyptian obelisk found in the Dominicans' garden. It is the shortest of the eleven Egyptian obelisks in Rome and is said to have been one of two obelisks moved from Sais, where they were built during the 589 BC-570 BC reign of the pharaoh Apries, from the Twenty-sixth dynasty of Egypt. The two obelisks were brought to Rome by Diocletian, during his reign as emperor from 284 to 305, for placement at the Temple of Isis which stood nearby. The Latin inscription on the base, chosen by the pope who commissioned the sculpture to support the obelisk found on the site, Alexander VII, is said to represent that "...a strong mind is needed to support a solid knowledge". The inspiration for the unusual composition came from Hypnerotomachia Poliphili ("Poliphilo's Dream of the Strife of Love"), an unusual 15th century novel probably by Francesco Colonna. The novel's main character meets an elephant made of stone carrying an obelisk, and the accompanying woodcut illustration in the book is quite similar to Bernini's design for the base for the obelisk. The curious placement of the obelisk through the body of the elephant is identical.""

e agora por fim....

The Palazzo Chigi is a palace or noble residence in Rome, overlooking the Piazza Colonna and the Via del Corso. It was begun in 1562 by Giacomo della Porta and completed by Carlo Maderno in 1580 for the Aldobrandini family..

In 1878 it became the residence of the Austro-Hungarian Ambassador to Italy. In 1916 it was bought by the Italian state and became the seat of the Minister for Colonial Affairs. Later it was the official residence of the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs. In 1961 it became the official meeting place of Council of Ministers whose President is the head of the Italian government.
Palazzo Chigi is the official residence of Prime Minister of Italy. Since May 2008, the tenant of Chigi is Silvio Berlusconi, prime minister of Italy..

A partir de Maio de 2008, tornou-se na residencia Oficial de Berlusconi
Acham que o Berlusconi tem muito poder...ou quem mexe o fio da marioneta é que o tem?

Esta familia, é sem duvida das mais Poderosas familias do Mundo.

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