terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011

Super Pang- Panic Mode

A Águia do Império Romano ao fundo

Após uma Cimeira em que há 5 dias atrás se reuniram na União Europeia, para decidir e aprovar medidas em relação á Grecia, onde sairam todos com acordos e resoluções, sorrisinhos e beijinhos.

"As bolsas europeias arrancaram hoje em alta, com os investidores a reagirem com otimismo ao acordo alcançado esta madrugada em Bruxelas para resolver a crise da dívida europeia, recapitalizar a banca e ampliar o fundo de resgate.         

Agora Yorgus Papadréu, do cimo da sua plena ministrica Autoridade, vem propor um referendo á sua População para decidir se aceitam ou não o pagamento a ajuda do FMI.
...e assim do nada, estalou o "Panico financeiro"
Então, o Y.Papandréu até agora, sempre fez a vontade, falando a Voz dos seus donos e agora, decide-se qual Robin Hood decidiu dar a Voz ao seu Povo...sabendo perfeitamente qual será a resposta.

Então não se vê que há aqui truque de bastidores para provocar o chaos e o panico!
Apertem os cintos de segurança e agarrem-se ás cadeiras... porque a Panela de pressão, vai estoirar...e todos nós sabemos o resultado disso.
Especulação ou não, estes FDP têm alguma coisa preparada para 2012, e com este truque, provavelmente vão aproveitar para fazer tábua raza do Modelo Social como o conhecemos, para construirem uma nova Sociedade Iluminista..esse sonho tão perseguido.

6 comentários:

Selenyum disse...

Estamos tramados!

Streetwarrior disse...

Calma Selenyum.
No Próximo Post, irei demonstrar que a culpa não é deles, mas sim, NOSSA:

Afonso disse...

Atenção pessoal,há uma guerra em curso na sombra daquilo que os média anunciam e reportam como realidade,leiam com tempo e atenção o seguinte link o qual tem uma explicação plausivel para o que está a acontecer na Europa e no mundo: http://www.divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/988-fulford-owo-defeat

Winston Smith disse...

E o que dizer da MF Global, que alguns consideram ser uma pequena Lehman Brothers que faliu, dirigida por um ex-patrão da... Goldman Sachs?

Markets hit by MF Global bankruptcy

"Michael Epstein, a restructuring adviser at CRG Partners, described the crisis as a “baby Lehman”, although the fall-out from MF Global is expected to be far less than that created by the failure of the investment bank three years ago."

"From sugar trader to global powerhouse
MF Global grew from its roots as a London sugar trader at the end of the eighteenth century to a global powerhouse. Recently, it was driven by the ambition of former Goldman Sachs chief Jon Corzine.

Since his appointment to MF Global last year, Corzine (right) presided over a shift in strategy from linking buyers with sellers, or placing trades on an exchange, to holding an inventory of securities and betting on their price movements.

This was a major change for the group’s staff, who were used to a conservative approach from management.

Now the investors who bought into Corzine’s vision, such as private equity firm JC Flowers, have been left licking their wounds.

JP Morgan Chase and Deutsche Bank are both trustees of more than $1bn of global debt for pension funds and institutions. Neither bank would comment but it is understood JP Morgan’s exposure is below $100m."

A farmer’s son who bet the bank and lost

"IT WAS often said that Jon Corzine wanted to turn MF Global into a mini-Goldman Sachs. Now, however, this failed politician will be remembered as the man who was in charge when the broker went bust so spectacularly.

It marks an ignominious end to the son of an Illinois farmer, to say nothing of the damage wreaked on the firm, which was crippled by its exposure to European sovereign debt.

The roots of MF Global go back more than 200 years, to a sugar brokerage in London, and in 2011 it could boast of being a “well-capitalised global franchise” operating in 70 nations.

Those claims were shattered yesterday, however, when staff in New York were prevented from doing deals and colleagues in Chicago left the trading floor before the session opened.

The group posted a net interest income of $287m (£178.5m) for the year to March, down 60 per cent on three years earlier, as ultra-low US rates hit commissions from traders.

Corzine, a former Democratic governor of New Jersey who failed to win a second term before joining MF Global in March 2010, did not start the group’s decline but hastened it by transforming it from a risk-averse futures broker to an investment bank that bet on the swings of the market.

In a newspaper interview three weeks ago Corzine said his business was “on track”. With hindsight, it will be seen as running off the rails."

Winston Smith disse...

Lembrar que a Lehman Brothers era uma das grandes rivais (ou seria antes mais adequado chamar-lhe de inimigas) da Goldman Sachs, que a Merrill Lynch quando ficou à rasca em Setembro de 2008 era dirigida por John Thain, outro ex-Goldman Sachs... Enfim, estes "gamblers" para onde vão, só rebentam bancas e bancos...


O mais engraçado todavia foi ver como uma certa imprensa abordou o assunto da falência do Lehman Brothers, arqui-inimigo da Goldman Sachs...

No NY Mag, temos isto:

Is Goldman Sachs Evil? Or Just Too Good? -- New York Magazine

"On the weekend of September 12, 2008, as the financial system shuddered and appeared to be on the verge of lurching to a halt, two Goldman Sachs men, former CEO Hank Paulson and current CEO Lloyd Blankfein, huddled with other banking heads at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to consider how to stave off disaster. Bear Stearns was dead. Merrill Lynch, run by another former Goldman man, John Thain, was in desperate need of a savior. And now Lehman Brothers was on the brink. As secretary of the Treasury, Paulson asked the banks to come up with a private-funding solution for Lehman before it imploded from lack of cash. But all the banks had been scrambling for cash reserves or strategic mergers to buffer against a rapid freeze in lending. No one was able, or willing, to help. And Paulson, a free-market purist, had made one thing clear up front: The government would not bail out the firm. Lehman Brothers, a longtime Goldman rival, prepared to declare bankruptcy, ending its 158-year run on Wall Street."

Um purista dos mercados livres deixou cair o arqui-rival do banco por onde passou e onde tinha uma bela maquia à sua espera e que tinha de defender... a fazer fé nesta prosa:


"Dean Baker, writing in "Bernanke's Bad Money" for Counterpunch, concludes that Lehman Brothers was offered up as a sacrificial lamb by Bernanke and Hank Paulson as a way of terrifying Congress into giving money (remember Paulson demanded a trillion dollars, with no strings attached, and immunity from later prosecution) to bail out Wall Street bankers, all apparently but...you guessed it, Lehman Brothers.

We will remember that Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers had a long history of disagreements, rivalries and openly bitter warfare. No one was probably more pleased with the demise of Lehman Brothers than were the soldiers at Goldman Sachs' garrison. We also remember that Hank Paulson was the Lieutenant General of Goldman Sachs' army before taking over as George Bush's Secretary of the Treasury -- and that Paulson pocketed close to $500 million in GS stock options as partial payment for his adept leadership. It doesn't take much imagination to understand why Paulson helped to sink Lehman... in order that Goldman might live."

Para quem gosta deste tipo de enredos, recomendo a leitura completa do texto de Michael Clark.

Na pena de Joe Hagan, alguém que escreve na prestigiada New York Magazine, Paulson era um purista dos mercados... Dá sempre jeito ter boa imprensa a contar a história pelo lado mais positivo...

Streetwarrior disse...

Selenyum, desculpa lá amigo.

Podes enviar outra vez o link do livro " No Logos " .
Ontem deste-me o toque que não estava lá e respondi do Telefone a dizer que sim, pois eu tinha-o colocado mas não estava a ver a a pagina.
Agora abri a pagina e vi que realmente não ficou.
Desculpa Selenyum.
Quando for possível então, ficarei a aguardar.
Não foi por mal.
Aquele Abraço.